Dr. Grimshaw has pursued his passion for LENR at The University of Texas at Austin (UT), where he held a succession of positions, and at his company, LENRGY, LLC. He has prepared more than 60 publications, reports and presentations in the field. He received his MA and PhD degrees in geology also at UT. Before making a change to energy policy with a master’s degree at the LBJ School, he had a long and successful career in the environmental field..
LENR Affiliations and Positions
Dr. Grimshaw formed LENRGY, LLC several years ago and for the past two years has conducted his cold fusion activities from this platform. Prior to that, his LENR work took place at a succession of positions at the University of Texas at Austin (UT) starting with the LBJ School of Public Affairs, where he obtained the Master of Public Affairs (MPAff) Degree. Subsequently he was Research Affiliate at UT’s Center for International Energy and Environmental Policy as well as Research Associate at the Energy Institute.
Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs
Dr. Grimshaw pursued a second-career Master of Public Affairs degree at the LBJ School as a follow-on to his environmental career. He became interested in cold fusion and wrote his Professional Report (thesis) on the topic – Evidence-Based Public Policy toward Cold Fusion: Rational Choices for a Potential Alternative Energy Source.
After receiving the master’s degree, he became a member of the Adjunct Faculty at the LBJ School and served as co-instructor on two Policy Research Projects (PRPs): 1) “Shaping the Energy Technology Transition”, which addressed policy issues related to alternative energy technologies and movement to a low-carbon, renewable-energy based energy economy; and 2) “Building the Bridge to an Energy Secure Future”, which used five criteria (technology, economics, regulations, environment, and politics) to evaluate established and emerging energy technologies within a framework of energy security. Both PRPs included coverage of cold fusion as a potential future energy source, and both also received financial sponsorship from the New Energy Foundation, one of the principal organizations in the cold fusion field.
Dr. Grimshaw also taught a course on Environmental Policymaking at the LBJ School, which covered both the U.S. and international framework for policy development and implementation. During this timeframe, he also taught two courses on Environmental Geology at Austin Community College.
Center for International Energy and Environmental Policy (CIEEP)
Like the Energy Institute, CIEEP is a research entity at UT. Dr. Grimshaw directed a student internship to delineate secondary impacts of cold fusion, identify a methodology to address the impacts, and develop a step-by-step procedure to apply the methodology to the cold fusion case. Technology assessment was selected as an effective method of dealing with the anticipated direct and indirect secondary impacts of broad deployment of cold fusion as a new source of energy. The CIEEP cold fusion initiative was subsequently transferred to the Energy Institute.
Energy Institute
Dr. Grimshaw led LENR policy and related research work at UT’s Energy Institute, another research unit at UT, as a Research Affiliate for nine years before transitioning to LENRGY. The Institute leverages the experience and expertise of researchers at UT to study critical policy questions. It seeks to create a community of scholars to address energy issues that are important to Texas, the nation, and the world. The Institute fosters interdisciplinary interactions across the UT campus and serves as a portal for information on energy research at the University.
Dr. Grimshaw currently does his cold fusion work at LENRGY, which was formed as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in Texas and has been registered as a trademark with the US Patent and Trade Office. It is located in Austin, Texas. LENRGY’s mission is to pursue the benefits of cold fusion realization. It accomplishes its mission by focusing on four areas – cold fusion public policy analysis, supporting investigators and other interested parties, documenting LENR research records, and information and outreach.
Pre-LENR Geology and Environmental Career
Prior to his LENR involvement, Dr. Grimshaw had an extensive career in environmental management and consulting. He began with M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Geology. His B.S. degree is in Geological Engineering. During his environmental career he worked for several of the most prominent environmental companies in the world. His projects included environmental baseline studies, mitigation measures for adverse impacts, site investigations of spills and disposal sites, development of cleanup strategies for contaminated sites, and policy analysis for large-scale energy development in the western U.S. He gained experience with many types of energy facilities, including power plants, refineries, oil fields, pipelines, storage tanks, coal mines, and unconventional oil and gas production.
Environmental Consulting
Dr. Grimshaw held many positions as manager of organizations and projects, and he and performed services for a variety of private-sector and government clients. He also served as project manager for a systems development effort to improve accounting and project management software for a large environmental company with more than 4000 employees. In the latter stages of his environmental career, he assisted with mergers and acquisitions and organization development for a rapidly growing environmental firm.
Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin
Education and Additional Background
Dr. Grimshaw was born in South Dakota and was raised in a family of water well drillers. He graduated from the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology with a degree in geological engineering and then went to the University of Texas at Austin for his post-graduate degrees in geology. He also held the position of Associate Director for Environmental Programs at the UT’s Bureau of Economic Geology, a research unit that is also the state geological survey of Texas.
Dr. Grimshaw’s training in geology, engineering and policy analysis, as well as his environmental career, have served as a strong foundation for his work in the cold fusion field. Having lived through the paradigm-shifting development of plate tectonics in geology, which was introduced more than 50 years before it became widely accepted, Dr. Grimshaw has the experience and perspective needed to deal with the rejection of cold fusion despite its large body of evidence and immense potential beneficial and secondary adverse impacts.
Before changing his career to energy policy specializing in cold fusion, Dr. Grimshaw had a long and successful career in the environmental field. He began his career with a doctoral dissertation, which was entitled “Environmental Geology of Urban and Urbanizing Areas: Case Study of the San Marcos Area, Texas.” He received his MA and PhD in Geology at UT. His undergraduate degree was in Geological Engineering from the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology.
Sinkhole Used for Watering Cattle. Located in Dr. Grimshaw’s Dissertation Area in the Texas Hill Country near San Marcos, TX.
During his environmental career, Dr. Grimshaw worked for a number of private sector companies and was Associate Director at UT’s Bureau of Economic Geology, which is the state geological survey of Texas. His technical work was in both protection of the environment and cleanup of contaminated sites. He held several positions as a staff manager for environmental companies. And he served as program and project manager for a variety of environmental projects as well as in systems development, mergers and acquisitions, and organization development.
Geologic Map of Texas. Produced by the Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin.
Dr. Grimshaw also continues to engage his passion for geology. He is developing detailed geologic maps of two quadrangles between Austin and San Marcos. He has prepared two websites documenting the results of this geologic research.
Dr. Grimshaw Continues to Do Geologic Field Work near Austin. Here He Is at a Limestone Outcrop Not Far from San Marcos.
Dr. Grimshaw served in the U. S. Army during the Vietnam Era, but he remained stateside in his assignments. He is currently enrolled in the U.S. Veterans Administration. He was born and raised in South Dakota. His family was engaged in water well drilling, which kindled his interest in geology and led to his bachelors’ degree in Geological Engineering at the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology.
Dr. Grimshaw Served in the U.S. Army, Where He Attained the Rank of Captain. Here His Commanding Officer and Spouse Are Pinning on His Captains Insignia (Double Bars).
Dr. Grimshaw Grew Up in a Water Well Drilling Family in South Dakota. Here He Is Operating a Drill Rig During the Well Cleaning and Development Stage. The Cylindrical Container Is a Bailer with an Internal Plunger for Withdrawing Sediment Remaining in the Well After Casing and Completion.