Dr. Grimshaw started giving presentations, particularly on the public policy case for cold fusion, when he was still a master’s degree student at the LBJ School of Public Affairs. Most of his professional presentations since then have also been on policy considerations of the phenomenon and progress in the LENR research documentation initiative. Many of them have been at the International Conferences on Cold Fusion (ICCFs) He has also given updates on the current status and future prospects of cold fusion to a variety of audiences. For example, he gave a presentation on cold fusion to Exelon, one of the largest energy companies in the U.S. The thrust of these outreach efforts has been to make the best case possible for cold fusion.

Dr. Grimshaw Presenting at the American Physical Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA
“Public Interest and Level-of-Evidence Considerations in Cold Fusion Public Policy”.
Outreach Publications and Reports
- Grimshaw, T., 2020. Cold Fusion Public Policies: Realizing Benefits and Mitigating Disruptive Impacts. J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci. 32:1-11, May.
- Grimshaw, T., 2019. Cold Fusion Public Policy for Realizing Its Benefits – and Dealing with Its Secondary Impacts. Poster at Energy and Society in Transition, 2nd International Conference on Energy Research and Social Science. May.
- Grimshaw, T., 2019. LENR Research Documentation Initiative: Objectives, Procedure, Participants, Future Opportunities. Presentation and Poster at MIT CF/LANR Colloquium, Cambridge, MA. March.
- Grimshaw, T. 2018. Integrated Policymaking for Realizing Benefits and Mitigating Secondary Impacts of Cold Fusion. in New Trends in Nuclear Science, N. Awwad and S. AlFaify, eds., Chapter 3. Intech Open Publishers. December.
- Grimshaw, T., 2015. Cold Fusion: A Changing Landscape? Presentation to Exelon Corporation. February.
- Grimshaw, T., 2014. Opportunities for Cold Fusion Policy Change. Presentation at First Mediterranean International Workshop on Low Energy Reactions, “Ettore Majorana” Foundation, Erice, Sicily. October.
- Grimshaw, T., 2014. Cold Fusion Public Policy: Rational – and Urgent – Need for Change. Presentation at 2014 Cold Fusion/LANR Colloquium at MIT. Cambridge, MA. March.
- Grimshaw, T., 2010. Evidence-Based Policy for Controversial Claims: The Case of Cold Fusion. Public Affairs Colloquium, LBJ School of Public Affairs. April.
- Grimshaw, T., 2008. Public Interest and Level-of-Evidence Considerations in Cold Fusion Public Policy. Presentation at American Physical Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. March.