LENRGY supports cold fusion researchers in many ways, both directly and indirectly. Pursuit of policy changes for research support is intended as a way to assist researchers indirectly to obtain funding for their cold fusion work. Direct assistance has also been provided, including evaluation of experimental results and demonstrations, preparation of proposals for new labs, converting hardcopy books to digital form and archiving research records.
National Instruments LENR Consultation
National Instruments (NI) is one of the premier companies providing software (LabVIEW) and hardware for laboratories around the world. In 2012 NI supported two demonstrations of a LENR device by Francesco Celani of Italy’s National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN). The demos took place at “NI Week” in Austin, Texas and at the 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF-17) in Daejeon, South Korea. Dr. Grimshaw was subsequently engaged by NI to evaluate the demonstration by coordinating with researchers who sought to verify Celani’s results using his calorimeter design and LENR material (Constantan).
Working with NI staff, Dr. Grimshaw first prepared a detailed report on the device, methods, and results of the demonstrations. Six researchers who independently investigated Celani’s design were then interviewed, and the outcomes were reported to NI. The results were also made available as a poster at ICCF-18 in Columbus, Missouri in 2013. They indicated that two of the independent investigators at least partially verified Celani’s demonstrations.
Dr. Grimshaw also supported NI with investigations of two other LENR researchers, including Defkalion Green Technologies and LettsLab.
Celani Verification Poster Presented at ICCF-18, Columbia, MO, July 2013
Santa Fe LENR Laboratory Collaboration
Three retirees from Los Alamos National Laboratory – Drs. Tom Claytor, Ed Storms and Malcolm Fowler – continue their cold fusion work, which they had started at LANL, at their private labs in northern New Mexico. Dr. Grimshaw worked with them to develop proposals for a new cold fusion research lab to be located in Santa Fe. The primary experimental basis of the new lab was Dr. Storms’ 2014 book, “The Explanation of Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction”.
The proposal preparation included delineation of the experimental approach, development of detailed cold fusion resumes, comprehensive descriptions of facilities and instruments at three private research labs, and development of proposal and presentation documents. In preparing these proposals Dr. Grimshaw drew on his extensive business development experience from his environmental consulting career.
Dr. Grimshaw participated in a LENR planning meeting in Dr. Tom Claytor’s lab conference room in White Rock, NM.
The meeting included from, from left to right, Dr. Malcolm Fowler, Dr. Lothar Wenzel (National Instruments), Dr. Claytor, Dr. Grimshaw and Dr. Edmund Storms.
Conversion of Beaudette’s “Excess Heat: Why Cold Fusion Prevailed”
Dr. Grimshaw assisted Jed Rothwell, author of the LENR-CANR website (one of the foremost online LENR resources), in converting a book that had been published in hard copy into electronic form. Charles Beaudette’s “Excess Heat: Why Cold Fusion Revealed” has been a principal resource for the LENR field since it was first published in 2000. During the conversion to digital form, Dr. Grimshaw reviewed several chapters for accuracy, created new tables for those that did not convert well, and formatted references cited in each chapter. The book is now available at Amazon in Kindle format.
Jed Rothwell and Tom Grimshaw at ICCF-18, Columbia, MO, July 2013
University of Utah Cold Fusion Archives
Dr. Grimshaw is working with archiving staff at the Marriott Library at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, to add to its cold fusion records collection. Because it is the birthplace of cold fusion, the University has a strong interest in archiving materials from researchers in the field. Dr. Grimshaw is facilitating arrangements with interested participants in the LENR Research Documentation Initiative to have their records transferred to the University. For example, he transported 14 boxes of archive material from Dr. Edmund Storms, who has his cold fusion lab in Santa Fe, NM, to the Marriott Library in Salt Lake City.
Marriott Library Archivist with Dr. Ed Storms’ Cold Fusion Research Records. Tubs on Carts Shortly after
Delivery to Salt Lake City from Santa Fe, NM.
Publications and Reports for Researcher Assistance
National Instruments
- Grimshaw, T., and B. Glass, 2013. Verifications of Francesco Celani LENR Demonstrations – Coordination and Identification of Best Practices: Enhanced Documentation of Celani Demonstrations. Unpublished Report to National Instruments. August.
- Grimshaw, T.W., S. Concezzi, L. Wenzel, and B. Glass, 2013. Verifications of LENR Observations in Nickel-Copper Alloy (Constantan) and Hydrogen Experiments. Poster Presented at 18th International Conference on Cold Fusion, Columbia, MO. July.
- Grimshaw, T., 2013. Trip Plan and Site Visit Report to Defkalion Green Technologies in July 2013. Unpublished Report to National Instruments. July.
- Letts, D., L. Wenzel, M. Lesher, and T. Grimshaw, 2013. Observations of Emissions from Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) in Deuterated Palladium with Stimulation by Tuned Dual Lasers: Experiment Plan (Revision 1). June.
Santa Fe LENR Laboratory Collaboration
- Claytor, T., E. Storms, M. Fowler, and T. Grimshaw, 2015. Proposal for Investigation of LENR for Energy Production, CSFG Collaboration, Santa Fe, Los Alamos and Espanola, New Mexico. May.
- Claytor, T., E. Storms, M. Fowler, and T.W. Grimshaw, 2014. Proposal for Investigation of LENR for Energy Production by the LENRGY Collaboration, Santa Fe and White Rock, New Mexico. October.
- Claytor, T., C. Cooper, T. Grimshaw, and E. Storms, 2014. Proposed Prometheus Fusion Laboratory, Inc.: Business Plan. May.
- Storms, E., T. Claytor, and T. Grimshaw, 2014. Proposal for a Solid State Energy Technology (SSET) Laboratory, Los Alamos and Santa Fe, New Mexico. April.
- Storms, E., T. Claytor, and T. Grimshaw, 2013, Proposal for a LENR Research Laboratory, Los Alamos (Stage 1) and Santa Fe (Stage 2), New Mexico. December.
University of Utah: Marriott Library LENR Archiving
- Grimshaw, T., 2021. Cold Fusion Archives at the University of Utah: A Project of the LENR Research Documentation Initiative. Draft Report. LENRGY, LLC, Austin, Texas. October.