During his 16 years of LENR involvement, Dr. Thomas Grimshaw, LENRGY President, has prepared over 40 papers, presentations and reports. Many of the presentations and posters have been given at International Conferences on Cold Fusion (ICCFs). A principle topic has been policy analysis for the LENR case, including both policies for support and realization of LENR benefits and policies for proactive planning to deal with anticipated adverse secondary impacts. Support of LENR investigators and documentation of LENR research have also been reported and presented. A list of these publications and related items, which go back to 2006, is provided below.
- Grimshaw, T., in press, Dr. Mahadeva Srinivasan: Research Pioneer in the LENR Field. Jour. Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. Vol 35. Online. (Click here for the paper when available.)
- Grimshaw, T., 2021, Mitigating the Loss of Irreplaceable LENR Research Records: Initiative Update. Virtual Poster Presentation at 23rd International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF-23), Xiamen, China, June. (Click here for Poster Presentation.)
- Grimshaw, T., 2021, Dr. Mahadeva Srinivasan: Research Pioneer in the LENR Field. Video Presentation at the LENR Workshop in Memory of Dr. M. Srinivasan. January. Online. (Click here for Presentation.)
- Grimshaw, T., 2020, Low Energy Nuclear Reactions Research Documentation Initiative, in The Future of Energy: Challenges, Perspectives, and Solutions, edited by T. Valone. Chapter 7. Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY. (Click Here for Page Proof Version.)
- Grimshaw, T., and D. Nagel, 2020. Documentation of Dr. Peter Gluck’s Ego Out Blogpost. Third Draft Report. LENRGY LLC, Austin, Texas. May. 57 p.
- Grimshaw, T., 2020. Cold Fusion Public Policies: Realizing Benefits and Mitigating Disruptive Impacts. J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci. 32:1-11, May. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T., 2020. Documenting Cold Fusion Research: Preserving a Vital Asset for Humankind. Infinite Energy, Issue 150, March/April. (Click here).
- Grimshaw, T., 2019. LENR Research Documentation Initiative: Progress in Methods and Participants. Presentation and Poster at 22nd International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF-22), Assisi, Italy. September. (Click here for Presentation. Click here for Poster).
- Grimshaw, T., 2019. Cold Fusion Public Policy for Realizing Its Benefits – and Dealing with Its Secondary Impacts. Poster at Energy and Society in Transition, 2nd International Conference on Energy Research and Social Science . May. (Click here for Poster.)
- Grimshaw, T., 2019. LENR Research Documentation Initiative: Objectives, Procedure, Participants, Future Opportunities. Presentation and Poster at MIT CF/LANR Colloquium. March. (Click here for Presentation. Click here for Poster.)
- Grimshaw, T. 2018. Integrated Policymaking for Realizing Benefits and Mitigating Secondary Impacts of Cold Fusion. in New Trends in Nuclear Science, N. Awwad and S. AlFaify, eds., Chapter 3. Intech Open Publishers. December. (Click here).
- Grimshaw, T., and E. Storms. 2018. Documentation of Dr. Ed Storms’ 29-Year LENR Research Career. Poster for 21st International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF-21), Fort Collins, Colorado. June. (Click here for Poster. Click here for Flier)
- Grimshaw, T. and E. Storms, 2018, Documentation of Dr. Edmund Storms’ 29 Years of Cold Fusion Research – Experiments, Explanations, and Related Scientific Contributions: Draft Summary Report. Unpublished Report. May. (Click here or Part I and click here for Part II.)
- Grimshaw, T. and E. Storms, 2015-2018, Documentation of Dr. Edmund Storms’ 29 Years of Cold Fusion Research – Experiments, Explanations, and Related Scientific Contributions: Reports for Stage 1 (Information Collection), Stage 2 (Organization) and Stage 3 (Documentation) . Unpublished Reports. Various Dates. Santa Fe, New Mexico.
- Grimshaw, T., 2017. Emerging Energy Technologies: Responsibilities of U.S. Government Entities – Review for Potential Cold Fusion Contributions. White Paper in Support of Paper for 20th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF-20), Sendai, Japan. January. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T., and D. Nagel, 2016. Responsibilities of US Government Agencies for Support of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions. Paper for 20th International Conference on Cold Fusion, Sendai (ICCF-20), Japan. December. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T., and D. Nagel, 2016. Responsibilities of US Government Agencies for Support of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions. Presentation at 20th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF-20), Sendai, Japan. October. (Click here)
- Claytor, T., E. Storms, M. Fowler, and T. Grimshaw, 2015. Investigation of LENR for Energy Production, CSFG Collaboration, Santa Fe, Los Alamos and Espanola, New Mexico. May.
- Grimshaw, T., 2015. Integrated Policymaking for Realizing Benefits and Mitigating Impacts of LENR. Presentation and Paper at 19th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF-19), Padua, Italy. April. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T., 2015. Cold Fusion: A Changing Landscape? Presentation to Exelon Corporation. February. (Click here)
- Claytor, T., E. Storms, M. Fowler, and T. Grimshaw, 2014. Investigation of LENR for Energy Production by the LENRGY Collaboration, Santa Fe and White Rock, New Mexico. October. (Click here for previous use of LENRGY)
- Grimshaw, T., 2014. Opportunities for Cold Fusion Policy Change. Presentation at First Mediterranean International Workshop on Low Energy Reactions, “Ettore Majorana” Foundation, Erice, Sicily. October. (Click here)
- Claytor, T., C. Cooper, T. Grimshaw, and E. Storms, 2014. Prometheus Fusion Laboratory, Inc.: Business Plan. May.
- Storms, E., T. Claytor, and T. Grimshaw, 2014. Proposal for a Solid State Energy Technology Laboratory, Los Alamos and Santa Fe, New Mexico. April. (Click here)
- Storms, E., T. Claytor, and T. Grimshaw, 2013, Proposal for a LENR Research Laboratory, Los Alamos (Stage 1) and Santa Fe (Stage 2), New Mexico. December (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T., 2014. Cold Fusion Public Policy: Rational – and Urgent – Need for Change. Presentation at 2014 Cold Fusion/LANR Colloquium at MIT. Cambridge, MA. March. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T., and B. Glass, 2013. Verifications of Francesco Celani LENR Demonstrations – Coordination and Identification of Best Practices: Enhanced Documentation of Celani Demonstrations. Unpublished Report to National Instruments. August. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T., S. Concezzi, L. Wenzel, and B. Glass, 2013. Verifications of LENR Observations in Nickel-Copper Alloy (Constantan) and Hydrogen Experiments. Poster Presented at 18th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF-18), Columbia, SC. July. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T., 2013. Defkalion Green Technologies, Site Visit by National Instruments, July 8 to 11, 2013, Draft Phase 2 Site Visit Report. Unpublished Report to National Instruments, July 13. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T., 2013. Defkalion Green Technologies, Site Visit by National Instruments, July 8 to 11, 2013, Proposed Trip Plan. Unpublished Report to National Instruments, July 7. (Click here)
- Leseberg, M, J. Maxwell, and T. Grimshaw, 2013. Public Policy Planning for Broad Deployment of Cold Fusion for Energy Production in the U.S.: Task Report 1. The Changing Landscape of Cold Fusion. February. (Click here)
- Leseberg, M, J. Maxwell, and T. Grimshaw, 2013. Public Policy Planning for Broad Deployment of Cold Fusion for Energy Production in the U.S.: Task Report 2. Technology Assessment. February. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T., 2012. Verifications of Francesco Celani LENR Demonstrations – Coordination and Identification of Best Practices: Phase 1 Report and Phase 2 Proposed Activities. Unpublished Report to National Instruments. January. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T, 2012. Public Policy Planning for Broad Deployment of Cold Fusion (LENR) for Energy Production. Paper FrM1-1, 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion, (ICCF-17), Daejeon, South Korea. August. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T., 2012. Evidence-Based Public Policy for Support of Cold Fusion (LENR) Development. Poster Presented at 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF-17), Daejeon, South Korea. August. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T., 2012. Public Policy Planning for Broad Deployment of Cold Fusion for Energy Production in the U.S. Supervisor, Student Internship at Center for International Energy & Environmental Policy, The University of Texas at Austin. May. (Click here)
- Groat, C., and T. Grimshaw, 2011. Building the Bridge to an Energy Secure Future: Energy Policies for the 21st Century. Policy Research Project Report 172. LBJ School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas at Austin. (Click here, p. 79)
- Storms, E., and T. Grimshaw, 2010. Judging the Validity of the Fleischmann-Pons Effect. Jour. Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 3, 9-30. Online. (Click here for the paper.)
- Grimshaw, T., 2010. Evidence-Based Policy for Controversial Claims: The Case of Cold Fusion. Public Affairs Colloquium, LBJ School of Public Affairs. April. (Click here)
- Groat, C., and T. Grimshaw, 2009. Shaping the Energy Technology Transition: Moving to a Low-Carbon, Renewable-Energy Economy. Policy Research Project Report 167. LBJ School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas at Austin. (Click here p. 50)
- Grimshaw, T.., 2008. Evidence-Based Public Policy toward Cold Fusion: Rational Choices for a Potential Alternative Energy Source. Austin, TX. Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas at Austin. Unpublished Professional Report. December. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T., 2008. Open Source Science Applied to CMNS Research: A Paradigm for Enhancing Cold Fusion Prospects and the Public Interest. Community. Poster Presented at 14th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF-14), Washington, DC. August. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T., 2008. Public Interest Arguments for Cold Fusion Policy Change: Opportunities for the CMNS Research Community. Poster Presented at 14th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF-14), Washington, DC. August. (Click here.)
- Grimshaw, T., 2008. Public Interest and Level-of-Evidence Considerations in Cold Fusion Public Policy. Presentation at American Physical Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. March. (Click Here)
- Grimshaw, T., 2006. Cold Fusion – A Cogent Topic for Rigorous Policy Analysis. Conference Course in Policy Analysis (PA389), LBJ School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas at Austin. March. (Click here)